Theory of Connectivity

A study of the biological basis for connectivity, the psychological effects on connectivity, and environmental effects on connectivity.

This thesis discusses the issue of connectivity from the premise that, if not mindful of our thoughts, we drift along through life connecting, moment by moment, to whatever it is that grabs our attention. Sometimes, the connection lasts for a moment, other times the connection lasts over years or a lifetime. If not mindful of the reason why we are connecting, the connection may not be conducive to our real needs. We may select automatically by some trigger from our past and keep connecting. Under this definition of connectivity, addictive behaviors are a part of the connectivity theory.

Statement of Problem
Purpose of Study
Theoretical Framework
Research Hypotheses
Sample Population
Importance of the Study
Literature Review
Data Analysis
Future Research
“Connectivity can be reduced through trauma, and is affected by our biology (and through this, our psychology). This is a frightening statement in this day and age. The sample population, of women from Colombia, who have experienced high levels of trauma through the difficult political situation in that country shows us that connectivity is directly affected by trauma. Perhaps this is an over-extrapolation, but in this day and age, in which war is begun without justification, pre-emptively, against already traumatised countries, it should be borne in mind that connectivity (both local and global) can be reduced as a direct effect of this action; and that, as we have seen, a reduction in connectivity can lead to anti-social behavior; it is frightening to point this out, but terrorism, and terrorists can be born through a lack of connectivity. In these times of globalisation, we all have to be aware that we maintain an acceptable level of connectivity to all who share this planet with us. This is a political message from the results of this study, but one which needs to be heeded; all psychologists work with politics at some level, and psychologists working on such a topic have a political responsibility to promote the results of their studies as far and as wide as possible.”