The World of Islam

A discussion of the major components of the Islamic religion.

This paper begins by comparing Islam to the other major religions of the world. The paper then looks at the source of Islam, the Koran or Qu’ran, and its impact on the life of a Muslim, as well as the history of the people.The paper continues with a history of the spread of Islam from its roots in modern-day Saudi Arabia, throughout the Middle East, and towards Europe and the modern world. The paper then mentions some of the more important and well-known aspects of Islam, including Ramadan, the mosque, and Islamic marriage rituals.
More than one billion persons make up the ‘Muslim world’. They can be distinguished by class and social structures, political systems, cultures, ethnic and racial identities, natural, technological and economic resources, and differing histories. The Islamic culture spans many political border lines and continents. Islam is the predominant religion in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Sudan, defining both cultural and political identity.