The Trail of Tears

This paper centers on the Trail of Tears, a perilous journey by the Cherokee people.

This paper centers on the Trail of Tears, a perilous journey by the Cherokee people. The author discusses the round-up of Native Americans in Georgia and the subsequent abuse suffered by them. Explanations for the expulsion of the Cherokees from the South are given.
“Herded like cattle, they left behind all of their belongings and the remnants of their past lives. Their land was given to their suppressors, and they were left with next to nothing. This is the story of the Cherokee removal, the Trail of Tears. ‘Long time we travel on way to new land. People feel bad when they leave old nation. Womens cry and make sad wails. Children cry and many men cry, and all look sad like when friends die, but they say nothing and just put heads down and keep on go towards West. Many days pass and people die very much. We bury close by trail.’ This quote by a full-blood Cherokee is the epitome of their journey.”