The Rise of Antibiotic Resistance

This paper investigates the present-day rise of a resistance to antibiotics.

The paper begins with a description on how antibiotics have proven useful to the eradication of certain diseases. It then turns to address the problem of antibiotic resistance, and states the two areas that need to be effectively managed in order to solve this problem public awareness and the development of new research. The two areas are explored in more depth. The issue of misuse of antibiotics is discussed and the goal of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is explained. The paper concludes with an explanation on how a combination of the two areas involved can help improve the situation of antibiotic resistance.
“The discovery of antibiotics in the 1920’s changed the future of medicine and meant that deadly diseases, including plagues, could be easily controlled. Prior to the introduction of penicillin, diseases like smallpox, tuberculosis and the bubonic plague were major problems. In modern society, these diseases are almost non-existent. In modern times though, the problem of antibiotic resistance has arisen. If organisms and diseases become resistant to antibiotics then the situation returns to one like the pre 1920’s, where there is no defense against these diseases. To prevent this from happening, the problem of antibiotic resistance needs to be managed. The problem can be effectively managed by concentrating on two areas.”