The main aim of this report is to examine a proposed integration of strategic forecasting into the management system of third generation balanced scorecard by

The main aim of this report is to examine a proposed integration of strategic forecasting into the management system of third generation balanced scorecard by; conducting a literature review of their compatibility to identify points of merger, filling the research gap of practical knowledge in strategic forecasting activities, and proposing a normative approach for merging strategic forecast into the management system of the BSC. This paper portrays this venture and offers a few bits of knowledge into the use of key execution administration techniques and frameworks got from this and related involvements. It looks at nearly the procedures utilized in the plan and execution of system and starts by evaluating the general environment encompassing the assortment of philosophies watched by administration creators. The systems view provided a methodology for examining the synergies that could be achieved by merging these concepts. The general gap in practical knowledge of strategic forecasting activities was explored in-depth through interviews of Kenyan business experts in upper managerial positions, who are occupied with strategic forecasting and corporate strategy in different sectors of the country’s economy.