The Last Temptation of Christ

Comparison between the life of Jesus in the Bible and the life of Jesus in the movie “The Last Temptation of Christ” – and the implications of the movie on Christianity and faith.

In this paper, the author reviews the life of Jesus as laid out in the Bible and compares it the character of Jesus in the movie, “The Last Temptation of Christ”. The paper shows that the differences in the movie from the Bible are intriguing and they force a person of any religion, but especially Christianity, to rethink their beliefs and question their faith. The paper shows how Jesus in the movie is portrayed as an ordinary man, able to sin, while Jesus of the Bible is considered pure and incapable of sin.
“Christianity began with one man, Jesus of Nazareth, between 4 B.C.E. and 29 A.D. Since the time of Jesus, his story has been spread by the dedication of passionate believers, making Christianity one of the dominant world religions. Today, the Christian faith accounts for approximately 34% of people in the world and an overwhelming 86% in the United States. The Last Temptation of Christ serves two purposes in regards to followers of Christ. First, on the surface, it gives an account of Jesus’ life. Secondly, it’s most significant purpose is to challenge Christians to take a good look at their beliefs, and question the validity of the very foundations on which they build their lives. This second purpose is most clearly portrayed in a scene between Jesus and Paul, and its meaning can be applied not only to Christians but also to people of all religions and personal beliefs.”