The Jesse Jackson Paternity Issue

Discussion of the public reaction to Jess Jackson’s announcement that he had fathered a child out of wedlock.

The paper discusses how on January 18, 2001, the Rev. Jesse Jackson announced publicly he had fathered a child out of wedlock. The paper explains what motivated Jackson to come forth and looks at the media’s reaction to this announcement. The paper notes that while some felt it might put a damper on Jackson’s political career at least for the short term, the revelation’s effect for the long term remains unknown.
“When the Rev. Jesse Jackson announced, on January 18, that he had fathered a child out of wedlock, the media widely reported this. Some felt the announcement might put a damper on Jackson’s political career, at least for the short term, but the announcement’s effect for the long term remains unknown (Dizikes).
“Ironically, Jackson had called for a “week of moral outrage” to coincide with the inauguration of George Bush as the new President. The event was also set to protest the confirmation hearings for John Ashcroft, whom Bush had nominated for the position of Attorney General (Dizikes).
“Jackson’s admission drew an immediate comment from his New York-based spokesman, John Scanlon, said Jackson wanted to make his announcement before the press, particularly the tabloid press, broke the story. He’s obviously concerned for his family, for his child and the child’s mother, Scanlon said (timesofindia).”