The idea of zombies was born with Victor Halperin’s “White Zombie” in 1932, and since then the idea has exploded and is commonly used in films today. Zombies seem to be everywhere; however few people stop and wonder how this came to be. Where did zombies come from? Why are people drawn to something so gruesome? The truth is that this was not always the case. Zombies have not always been obsessed with human flash and brains. The entertainment industry has redefined the concept of zombies. Even though the origin of the monster that we adore watching on the big screen screen remains largely unknown, it has widespread significance through American culture.
What is a zombie? Although this question may seem simple, it is actually very complicated. The zombie has been defined and you list ways. The dictionary describes a zombie as “the body of the dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose”(Webster Dictionary). It is important to note that contrary to popular believe, this does not necessarily mean that they eat/or that zombie it is important to note that contrary to popular believe, this does not necessarily mean that they eat flesh or that zombiism is a contagious disease, as commonly depicted in modern movies.
The idea of zombies was born with Victor Halperin’s “White Zombie” in 1932
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