The Hero: Greek vs. Roman View

This paper compares Greek and Roman views of a hero: Zeus is the Greek name for the leader of the gods, and Jupiter is the corresponding leader of the Roman gods.

The purpose of this research is to compare Greek and Roman views of a hero. Zeus is the Greek name for the leader of the gods, and Jupiter is the corresponding leader of the Roman gods. The Greek gods of Olympus were well represented in Greek art and literature, and the influence of these works was so great in Rome that ancient Roman deities were changed to resemble the corresponding Greek gods and were considered to be the same. Because the Romans did not have personified gods of their own, they easily adopted the Greek gods. The Romans had great religious feeling, but they also had little imagination and could never have created the Olympians, each a distinct, vivid personality, on their own. Before they adopted these personalities from the Greeks, the Roman gods were vague entities, called the Numina, which means the Powers of the .