The Great Gatsby

An analysis of the novel, “The Great Gatsby”, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Examines the nature of the relationships between the major characters in the novel. The writer states that “The Great Gatsby” is a novel about the deceptive nature of human relationships; it is a story of and about surface images.
“These key concepts arise many times throughout the novel and are important to both the storyline and the messages of appearances vs reality, honesty and the pursuit of the dream that are portrayed throughout the novel. The major relationships (Daisy & Tom, Gatsby & Daisy, Tom and Myrtle) are sound examples of deception and surface images. For example: Daisy and Tom’s relationship is of a very deceptive and dishonest nature because they are both having illicit affairs outside the marriage. Their relationship is also of a deceptive nature for another reason they present the image of a happy, comfortable relationship when in fact, Daisy is in love with another man and Tom can’t “stand the person (he’s) married to. In addition to this, they are both immensely preoccupied with their images of high-flying, socially elite, rich and beautiful people that they present to the rest of the world. Tom’s mistress Myrtle and Gatsby are also very concerned about the images they present because they feel they are not good enough for their lovers.