The Good Fella Tapes

A book report on “The Good Fella Tapes” by George Anastasia.

This paper summarizes the book, “The Good Fella Tapes”, by Philadelphia Inquirer reporter, George Anastasia. The paper touches on the important points that led to the decline in the Philadelphia Mob. Direct quotes are taken from the book.
“Disloyalty, chaos, dim-witted -these words describe the Philadelphia Crime Family. This crime family has violated omertia, disregarded rispetto, and has been far from being a borgata. “The Goodfella Tapes”, by George Anastasia (a reporter with the Philadelphia Inquirer and a veteran true crime journalist) takes his reader inside the world of the “most dysfunctional mob family in America” and provides details to the “rise of mob boss John Stanfa and the unprecedented federal investigation that brought him down”.”