The Death Penalty in the US

An argument that the death penalty is cruel and only serves revenge.

This paper argues that the death penalty does nothing to deter crime, as we are commonly led to believe, that it is an inhumane way to die and often botched in the process and is a human experience of emotional justice that is served up by good old fashioned revenge essay writer life hacks. It discusses the various methods of execution (hanging, firing squad, lethal gas, electrocution and finally lethal injection), how each are administered and discusses their pros and cons. It examines the legal stance by most States on the death penalty as well as some famous cases.
“The most common argument against the death penalty has been the argument of deterrence. That is to say if we as a society continue to execute our most precarious criminals, the effect we will have on those who might commit capital crimes in the future will be logical and rational thoughts of reconsideration and re-evaluation based on what may happen to them as a consequence of their actions. According to many who have studied the deterrent effects of the death penalty the following three points have been raised. First, if a punishment is to be considered an actual deterrent, it must be administered in a consistent and punctual manner.”