
A thorough overview of statistics, history, culture and society of Thailand.

This paper provides a history of the country of Thailand, the origins of its people and culture. It then provides very specific demographic details of population make-up and birth-death statistics. It then analyzes various factors such as the geography, climate, education and religion. It analyzes Thailand’s attraction as a tourism location, specifying popular regions. It examines how Thailand has developed today and how it is coping with the economic situation in the Far East.
Thailand covers a land area of 513,115 square kilometers, from North 5 30 to 21 and from East 97 30 to 105 30, and extends about 2,500 kilometers from north to south and 1,250 kilometers from east to west, with a coastline of approximately 1,840 kilometers on the Gulf of Thailand and 865 kilometers along the Indian Ocean.
Thailand whose origins are known were Khoms, who spread from a powerful Indian influenced kingdom in Kampuchea. The Thais are thought to have migrated from China, somewhere on. From there, they moved to the southern Chinese province of Yunnan and, later, further down towards Siam. But peasant communities already inhabited long before that appended, parts of the land. Siam is the name by which the country was known to the world until 1939 and again between 1945 and 1949. On May 11, 1949, an official proclamation changed the name of the country to Prathet Thai, or Thailand, by which it has since been known. The word Thai means free, and therefore Thailand means, Land of the Free.