Terrorism and Counter Terrorism

A study of the development of international terrorism and counter terrorism, both in general and specifically, since the events of September 11th, 2001.

This paper focuses on the way counter terrorism and terrorism have changed since 9/11 and the growing role of the U.S. It also looks at the development of ‘modern’ terrorism and the possible consequences of the continuing War on Terror. It debates whether or not September 11th, 2001 can be seen as a day that changed the face of terrorism. It also discusses how since the invasion of Afghanistan, terrorist attacks have become more numerous and high profile although their basic purpose remains the same, to gain attention. It puts forward the view that what has changed about terrorism since 9/11 is the amount of media attention it now controls.
“As well as presenting a recent point of reference for terrorist activity, the conflicts in Palestine and Northern Ireland also show two different ways of dealing with the problem, certain aspects of which have been adopted by the United States. In the case of Britain and Northern Ireland, the conflict is one of territory and security for those who want British rule. In Palestine and Israel however, the situation is based purely on territory. This difference in the foundation for the terrorist action seems to have dictated the way in which terrorism has been dealt with. Because of the presence of British citizens in Northern Ireland, and the small section of society that is involved in the unrest , it has been British policy in recent years to try and settle the situation through political sanctions and increased security measures to prevent terrorism.”