Tale of Two Cities

A narrative essay in the form of Sydney Carton’s diary depicting a group of events and their consequences, from Charles Dickens’ “Tale of Two Cities”.

The following paper contains pieces of textual evidence to support the claims made by Carton in a “Tale of Two Cities”. It is a narrative essay depicting Sydney Carton’s confession of eternal pain and gratification as seen by the writer.
Today we were in trial here in England in order to try to defend Charles Darnay from charges of treason. I tried to stay quiet and take it all in during the trial, and I noticed many things pertinent to the trial. The first thing I noticed as I saw Charles was that he and I were physically similar, and this unusual fact helped to save him, but I will get to that a little later. I was working on the side of defense with my boss Mr. Stryver, whom I respect greatly. The trial began with the prosecution calling witnesses. The first person they called was John Barsad, who swore in and then tried to make Charles seem like a bad guy. The prosecution next called Roger Cly, a friend of Barsad’s who had been a servant of Charles for four years.