Supply Chain Management in B2B and B2C Environments

Comparison of the supply chain management system in a B2B environment to the supply chain management system in a B2C environment.

This paper details the similarities and the differences between supply chain management systems for B2b and B2C environments. The paper examines the different requirements, focus, and capabilities of the two management systems, as well as the similarities of purpose and the reasons why both methods offer advantages.
“Supply chain management, whether in a traditional or E-commerce environment, involves distributing products, goods and services from point of manufacture to the delivery of the final product. Supply chain management, whether related to B2B or B2C retailers involves manufacturing, storage, distribution and delivery of products and services to consumers and other businesses. B2B supply chain management is slightly more complex than B2C transactions, as B2B wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers are typically working with larger corporate entities. For supply chain management to work in a B2B or in a B2C environment, the focus must be on provider customers with the utmost in quality services. The specific differences and similarities between supply chain management for B2B and B2C are explored in greater detail below.”