Suicide: A Existential Nihilist Solution To The Absurd

An essay on Albert Camus’ theory on suicide and its relation to the absurd.

An existentential nihilist paper on Albert Camus’s essay on “An Absurd Reasoning.” The paper focuses on Camus’ major theme of absurdity with its relation to life and suicide. The paper uses quotes from Camus and examines the concepts of society and its ideal ethics.
Existential nihilist philosopher and 1957 Nobel Prize winner for literature, Albert Camus wrote an essay entitled An Absurd Reasoning, where he suggests suicide is a solution to the absurd. As horrifying as it may sound and as absurd as it may seem, surprisingly, there is logic to his rather depressing theory. Due to society’s concept and interpretation of suicide, Camus theory may and most likely be ignorantly disregarded. However, the purpose of this essay and perhaps also the impact may in doubt be able to reach upon and grasp further than the concepts of society and their ideal ethics. In order to grasp Camus theory, one must not understand but rather identify absurdity with its own parallel connection to the self. Without a reason to live and the absurdity in the pursuit of meaning, a simple conclusion may be drawn rather than sought, where suicide is the solution to the absurd.