Suburban Sprawl and Public Policy

Discusses the problems of sprawl and practical applications of smart growth policies.

This paper first outlines the various problems associated with different aspects of suburban sprawl, including businesses and consumerism, residential expansion, government policy, satellite cities, and privatization. Next, the paper outlines ten general concepts of smart growth that can be applied by policy makers in an effort to stop the negative effects of sprawl.

Table of Contents
Introduction to Sprawl
Business, Consumers and Sprawl
Residential Expansion and the Rise of Sprawl
Governing the Suburbs
Satellite Cities
Smart Growth and Solutions for Sprawl
“Farmlands are another frontier of urban and suburban encroachment. Subsequently they are forming the frontlines of the fight against sprawling suburban developments. This is especially true in western state where sprawling suburban areas are competing with farmers and agriculturalists for precious resources such as water and even the very land they use. By preserving lands previously used for farming and helping to sustain those still in use through economically hard times, sprawl can be limited and in some cases even stopped in its tracks. By supporting farmers and agricultural groups through funds, land productivity, and extension services, anti sprawl activists and advocates can take an active role in its prevention. (U.S. Dept. of Ag. 1997.)”