State Supreme Courts

An evaluation of the role of the State Supreme Court in maintaining the uniformity of law.

This paper discusses how the government of the United States has State Courts of various kinds in every state ensuring the protection of the American public and how the State Supreme Courts constitute the highest position in all state court systems. It examines the structure of four State Supreme Courts (New Jersey, New York, Alabama and California) by looking at their composition, functions and a major case from each State.
“The Alabama Supreme Court, the Court of Civil Appeals and the Court of Criminal Appeals make up the Appellate Court system of Alabama (General Information). Shouldering judicial as well as administrative responsibilities, the Alabama Supreme Court ranks highest among the other courts of the state (General Information). “The Alabama Supreme Court has exclusive jurisdiction over all appeals where the amount in controversy exceeds $50,000 and appeals from the Alabama Public Service Commission” (General Information). All disputed as well as undisputed decisions made by the Court of Criminal Appeals and the Court of Civil Appeals can be reviewed by the Supreme Court General Information).”