Sociology studies human society and social behavior through social interaction and social phenomena

Sociology studies human society and social behavior through social interaction and social phenomena (Schaeffer, 2011). The sociological perspective is a perspective of mathematics teacher behavior and its connection to society as a classroom while questioning. It invites to look for the connections between the behavior of mathematics teacher and the structures of the classroom as a society. A sociological mindset in regards to being able to connect individual (mathematics teachers) experiences and societal relationships in the process of questioning in the mathematics classroom. An awareness of the relationship between individual and the wider society, both today and in the past” (Schaeffer, 2011). The connection between history (past) and biography (current personal experiences and context). The lens that an individual (mathematics teachers) chooses to view the scope of society from as a classroom. It goes beyond the obvious and question what is accepted as true or common sense. I used sociological perspective in my inquiry, to see general social patterns of the behavior of mathematics teacher while questioning in the mathematics classroom and to offers insights about the social world that extend far beyond explanations that rely on mathematics teacher quirks and personalities. Further, mathematics classroom is not about solidarity or social consensus but about the competition through questioning.