Servitude in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World

A discussion on the structure and effects of Huxley’s fictional utopian society in ‘Brave New World’.

The following paper is a critical analysis of Aldous Huxley’s novel ‘Brave New World’, where he explores the possibility that the greater number of a population can be pleased with a long, uneventful life having the simple and direct aim of administering one task to society. The writer of this paper examines the consequences of a ‘utopian’ society, as put forward by Huxley. This paper explores the possibility that if a society chooses to listen, there will certainly be a tremendous decision made for the future of the world. According to the writer it may accept the changes that technology will make, and succumb to science, rationality, and servitude.
The controlling factor behind the society of Brave New World is the World State. The World State consists of ten World Controllers, who cannot live within the normal classes of Brave New World because of their individualistic reasoning. The World State is a mysterious entity, founded not on liberty, equality, and fraternity, but on community, identity, and stability. (Ramamurty 92)The Brave New World society has scientifically eliminated any traces of individuality (Paulsell 93). The social structure of this society consists of 5 classes of workers. These classes are, in ascending order of rank: Epsilon, Gamma, Delta, Beta, and Alpha. The largest order, the Epsilons are morons. The Gammas are only slightly more intelligent than the Epsilons. The Deltas, the middle level in the social caste, are of average intelligence. The Betas are typically industrial workers with essentially average intellect. The Alphas are the head of the caste system and are extremely hard workers who hold the most difficult jobs (Lyne).