Secrets in Literture

The paper examines the secrets which appear in Henrik Ibsen’s play The Path to Change and Sophocles’ “Oedipus”.

This paper examines the premise that once surfaced, the secrets which had so painstakingly been concealed because their discovery was feared, are those which led to the significant change of the main characters in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Sophocles’ `Oedipus`.
`Literary characters undergo many changes from the beginning of the work throughout the end. Numerous things can cause these changes to occur, although usually some type of life-altering event causes the change to take place. Awakenings, losses, achievements, and self-discovery are typical examples of life-altering events which incur a change in characters. The reaction of the characters to these events is what causes the change and helps to define who they really are, as well as what their goals, values, and morals are. Another example of a life-altering event could be considered the discovery of a deeply hidden secret. Such an event has been the theme of many works for centuries upon centuries. Change in a character following the discovery of a life-transforming secret was evident in both Oedipus and A Doll’s House. Once surfaced, the secrets which had so painstakingly been concealed because their discovery was feared are those which led to the significant change of the main characters in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Sophocles’ Oedipus.`