
A discussion on the major parasitic infection, schisostomiasis with particular attention to immunological aspects and vaccines.

This paper examines how human schisostomiasis or katayama fever is a serious parasitic infection caused by helminths and how schisostomiasis remains endemic in 76 countries and territories. mainly as a result of poor living conditions, improper sanitation and irrigation, which allow optimal parasite transmission. It reviews schisostomiasis and focuses on the immunological aspects of the disease and its vaccine development.
“Diagnosis of Schisostomiasis relies on both microbiological and immunological methods. Immunodiagnosis uses the principle of detection of antibodies and antigens. Several years ago, skin tests were user but now are considered inappropriate to perform due to their invasive nature. Most tests are performed today using plasma obtained from methods like finger pricking and venous blood. Other tests involve use of body fluids, urine, milk and saliva (Santos et al. 2000). Most commonly used are the Antibody and Antigen detection tests. As far as antibody tests are concerned, a positive result does not necessarily mean that this patient has an active infection. This test is more a marker that this person has been or is infected with Schisostoma.”