Rock Music and Drugs

This paper examines the relationship between rock music of the 1960’s and the use of drugs among Americans, particularly young Americans.

The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between rock music of the 1960s and the use of drugs among Americans, particularly young Americans. The research indicates that the music and lyrics reflected the drug culture rather than directly contributing to its growth.

Many critics of rock music and American culture contend that rock ‘n’ roll of the late 1950s and the 1960s expressed the demands of a growing youth culture. The songs helped youth develop a sense of generational unity. Mike Jahn believes that among these demands in the 1960s was the right to get stoned. Robbie Robertson of The Band believes that the 1960s brought about a change in lifestyles, and that the songwriters were expressing the feelings of people, the people in the street (Last Waltz). …