Religious Pluralism in American Society

This paper presents a review of an article entitled “Neighboring Faiths: How Will Americans Cope with Increasing Religious Diversity?” by Diana L. Eck. The article deals with the diversity of religions in present-day America.

The paper uses Eck’s article as a basis for investigating the possibility of religious pluralism in the USA. It looks at the differences in American society before, during, and after the influx of immigrants. It explores the violence that has arisen out of religious differences, and explains Eck’s solution to this problem (religious pluralism). The paper clarifies Eck’s concept of religious pluralism and then goes on to look at why her solution is problematic. It refers to texts that oppose religious pluralism and investigates some of the main disadvantages involved with this solution. The paper concludes by bringing in an alternative viewpoint, provided by Nabil Marshood’s article entitled, “Religious Pluralism and Social Change.”, and by evaluating the theories presented in the various texts.
“The article “Neighboring Faiths: How Will Americans Cope with Increasing Religious Diversity?” by Diana L. Eck is a thorough analysis of the increasing religious differences in the American society. Diana L. Eck is a professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies, and is the director of the Pluralism Project at the Harvard University. Eck has already written numerous books and studies, which focus primarily on the topic of religious pluralism in the American society. In her article, Eck tells us of the increasing number of people with diverse religions in the contemporary American society, and that these religious differences can be directly attributed to the approval and legalization of the Immigration Act of 1965. Through the Immigration Act of 1965, people from various nations, particularly in the Asian and Middle Eastern regions, have migrated into the US. With the influx of immigration in the United States, various cultures, traditions, and beliefs were brought along with the immigrants, and caused the diversification of cultures, traditions, and religions in the new American society.”