Reality TV

An analysis of the sociological effects of voyeuristic television shows.

This paper examines how reality TV has become the new genre of television programming arresting the attention of the American viewer. In particular, it examines the breakthrough of this phenomenon into our popular culture and how, at the heart of this sociological issue, is our view of ourselves outside of the media?s influence. It attempts to show how the reality television shows have access to our cultural psyche. It looks at how, when we are unhappy with ourselves, its sells us an image of what life ?should? be and then proceeds to sell products and services that reinforce the image they sell.
“In “Hunger as Ideology”, Susan Bordo insists that the negatively charged messages of the modern media, which subtly convey artificial contemporary advertisements regarding women, beauty and food, are to blame for the way we feel about ourselves. She is angered by the exploitation of females, which tends to create eating disorders in vulnerable young woman. At the same time, the contradictory message is delivered to men, and expectations are placed on their eating habits. Men should be able to eat hearty meals, and still have a body that looks as if it were chiseled to of stone.”