A look at a product innovation strategy for a clothes line in Antartica.
This paper is an exercise in product innovation in the Antarctic region, explaining what kind of products are required by the people of Antarctica. The paper focuses on the life of one individual who is out on an expedition and examines specifically what textiles he will require during the course of this journey. The paper addresses the principles of design management and argues that given the kind of climate these people are forced to reside in, it is important to keep their requirements in mind so that comfortable but practical products are made available for them.
“Antarctica is the most southerly continent, surrounding the South Pole. Almost circular in shape, it is indented by the Weddell and Ross Seas. It consists chiefly of vast ice-covered plateau and contains about 90 % of the world’s ice. Calculations suggest that should this ice melt sea levels would rise by about 60 m (200 ft). The continent’s climate is the severest in the world; in 1960 the world’s lowest recorded temperature – of -87.8 C (-126 F) – was made at the Soviet station of Vostok.
Although lacking in vegetation it has abundant wild life including whales, seals and penguins. Scientific stations were established during the International Geophysical Year (1957-8). Some nations have political claims to territory in Antarctica. Argentina and Chile have also laid claims, as yet unrecognized to portions of British Antarctic Territory. The continent was discovered when in his voyage Captain James Cook (1772-75) reached 71 10S. Many discoveries and explorations took place during the nineteenth century culminating in the famous race for the South Pole. This was first reached by Roald Amunsden of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition on 14th December 1911 and a month later by Scott of the British Antarctic Nova Expedition. Scott and his team perished on the return journey.
Although lacking in vegetation it has abundant wild life including whales, seals and penguins. Scientific stations were established during the International Geophysical Year (1957-8). Some nations have political claims to territory in Antarctica. Argentina and Chile have also laid claims, as yet unrecognized to portions of British Antarctic Territory. The continent was discovered when in his voyage Captain James Cook (1772-75) reached 71 10S. Many discoveries and explorations took place during the nineteenth century culminating in the famous race for the South Pole. This was first reached by Roald Amunsden of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition on 14th December 1911 and a month later by Scott of the British Antarctic Nova Expedition. Scott and his team perished on the return journey.