Product Differentiation and The University of Phoenix

A general overview of marketing product differentiation as it ties in to the University of Phoenix.

Product differentiation is defined as ?the modification of a product, usually in minor ways, to make it more attractive to the target market and to differentiate it from competitors’ products (Encyclopedia, 2004, par. 1). This paper discusses the concept of product differentiation, as well as how the University of Phoenix can use this concept to add value to its products or services.
In addition to offering weekend and night courses, the University of Phoenix could also offer day courses. Although their competitors already offer mostly day courses, by having them, the University of Phoenix could not only capture night students but also day time students as well. In addition, the University of Phoenix could further diversify their courses to be location specific. For example, in areas where agriculture is prominent, the University of Phoenix could offer degrees that are agriculturally geared. A final example of how the University of Phoenix could differentiate their services from their competitors would be to offer degrees via correspondence courses.”