Produce a briefing document for a new member of staff who will be delivering classes in your specialist area embedding functional skills

Produce a briefing document for a new member of staff who will be delivering classes in your
specialist area embedding functional skills.

The document should demonstrate your understanding of:
a) The key features of inclusive teaching and learning (ref 1.1)

When teaching in the Security Industry sector, it important to adhere to the Equality and Diversity Act (2010) the aims and objectives of the company and the expected aims and objectives of the students must be established. Although they can be added to, taken away or amended, Ground rules are very important and should be laid down at the beginning of the lesson to protect all persons from actions or words that may have an adverse effect on themselves or others. Ground rules should be established through group discussions governed by democratic law and British values allowing all voices to be heard
And differences respected. Introductions and icebreakers should be used to make all students feel relaxed and included in the process. It is the teachers responsibility to adhere to and promote “The Health and Safety Act 1974” Class numbers and seating arrangements should be considered when preparing the classroom so that seating does not obstruct escape routes, students in wheelchairs must have access to disabled toilets if a key fob system is in operation and students must all be able see and hear clearly.
It is vital that students know, they are respected, and valued equally regardless of Race, Sex, Sexuality, religion, different abilities, ESOL, students with learner needs or physical disabilities (visible or not) experience, colour or social back ground; as exclusion can, In most, cases impact, on a learner’s ability and willingness; to learn.
Determining a student’s competence level as soon as possible prepares a teacher in their approach, to meet the needs of all learners and especially so, those, that learning plans are constructed for. A way in which to evaluate a student’s aptitude to meet their own aims and objectives can be obtained via Diagnostic evaluation, questionnaires, group discussions, ICT tests, multiple choice test and curriculum vitae’s. Diagnostic evaluations are imperative as a good command of English and Maths is required and sometimes mandatory in certain areas of the Security Industry. Head counts, cash runs, witness statements, Cashing up, report writing and verbal and written communication are some of the duties carried out by Security operatives.
These evaluations can be overwhelming to some students so they should be coupled with intrinsic and extrinsic, motivational exercises that keep students engaged and to ensure that inclusive teaching is effective.