Presidential Staffing

Examines congressional relations, foreign policy, from Truman through Reagan. Looks at leadership, Cabinets, comparative dependence on advisers and impact of method of succession (election, death, assassination, resignation).

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This study will investigate the Presidency from Truman through Reagan in terms of the Presidents’ staffing arrangements, their relations with Congress, foreign policy, and other relevant areas.
Harry S. Truman became the 33rd President on April 12, 1945, when Franklin Roosevelt died, and as might be expected as he inherited the leadership from a powerful personality, the staff which surrounded him as he took office can hardly have been called his own. But Truman’s brusque and outgoing personality and penchant for quick decisions negated whatever obstacles might have been set in his path by the lack of a well-formulated staff of his own.
In fact, Truman was immediately cast deeply into the final days of World War II, having to attend in July of 1945 the (…)