Philosophy of Happiness

Commentary and explanation of Immanuel Kant and Aristotle on the concept of happiness.

This paper describes the significance and importance of happiness using the Kantian view of moral law and Aristotelian ethics and theory of virtue. This paper discusses the attainment of happiness by means of adherence to virtue, according to Aristotle, and the fulfillment of duties as described by Immanuel Kant.
“Immanual Kant puts major emphasis on the concept and idea of duty. Duties are defined as specific obligations of the will. This will is the only object that can be considered good without limitation. A good will “corrects the whole principle of action and brings it into conformity with universal ends”. Further on, a good will is not considered to be good because it is capable of accomplishing something good, but it is rather considered to be good because of its volition and it is considered to be good in itself. It is discovered that “the more a cultivated reason purposely occupies itself with the enjoyment of life, so much the further does one get away from true satisfaction” It can therefore be concluded that reason is destined to a “far worthier purpose’s of one’s existence” and not to happiness is reason properly destined.” “Reason is not sufficiently competent to guide the will surely with regard to its objects and the satisfaction of all our needs” and since reason is given to us nevertheless as a faculty, that is, as one that is to influence the will.” Thus the purpose for the existence of the reason is to produce a will that is good in itself as opposed to good for some particular purpose, such as the attainment of happiness.”