Phillips Medical Services

This paper discusses Philips Medical Systems Company’s recent acquisitions with the aim of examining how they will become the world’s premier provider of healthcare solutions.

The following paper deals with recent merger activity in Philips Medical Systems Company and its result. This paper also takes a look at the company’s competitors and the market situation including growth strategies. The writer provides a SWOT analysis for factors affecting future success.
It is predicted that device start-ups will be fewer and riskier. Both the FDA and physicians are demanding trials that prove clinical efficacy, raising the cost and therefore the risk of starting new companies. That means these firms will have to target larger markets, which by their very nature will require a change in medical practice and thus also a more expensive selling effort – this is good news for established companies like Philips, who have an edge in the market by their established presence and size.Merrill Lynch is currently rating Philips stock as a strong ‘buy’, indicating that it has a good position, strategy including impending cost cuts and profitability driven by its medical business, which is strong and has good indications of future growth given the factors above stated.