Performance Appraisal Survey Analysis

This paper uses performance appraisal theory to analyze an employee survey at a real estate company.

This paper emphasizes that, because performance appraisal is a means of determining these rewards, it is crucial that employees receive fair appraisals, that employees understand the performance appraisal, and that employees are measured against their job description and not on arbitrary criteria i need someone to write a research paper for me. This paper states that the survey of the performance appraisal system suggests the real estate office is currently operating with an appraisal system that exists ‘for show’, while achieving few real benefits. The author suggests that the real estate office upgrade and implement a performance management system to solve the problems, to help ensure that employees are motivated to achieve suitable results, and that employees receive the feedback they need to work effectively.
“Employees were next asked whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the statement “I received a fair performance appraisal.” Three employees answered that they disagreed and two answered that they agreed. This indicates that the process is not considered fair by over half of employees. When it is considered that the performance appraisal system is linked to employee rewards, this creates a major problem. Expectancy theory creates the link between motivation and rewards, with expectancy theory described as a theory suggesting, “that motivation depends on the individuals” expectations about their ability to perform tasks and receive desired rewards? (Daft, 1997, p. 536). If the performance appraisal system is not fair then an individual does not see their actions as allowing them to receive the rewards they deserve.”