Greek Myth as History

This paper examines myth as history as exemplified in the Greek Pantheon of the characters of Oedipus, Theseus, and Hercules stressing conflicts between myth and reality and sources and functions of myths.

The purpose of this research is to examine the topic Myth as History as exemplified in the Greek Pantheon of the characters of Oedipus, Theseus, and Hercules. The structure of this study is bi-focal write essay for me cheap. It first analyzes the concepts of myth and mythology, perhaps from an anthropological point of view. Second, it compares and contrasts the mythical and possibly historical elements in the myths surrounding the three above nominated characters of that Pantheon:

The prime function of myth is to codify, support, and validate the traditional belief and behavior . . . knowledge of the mythical past gives incentive and justification for rituals and moral action,and also guides to the correct performance of sacred acts.. …