Paradise on Earth

This paper analyzes the concept of paradise on earth as portrayed by Louise Erdrich in “The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse” and Toni Morrison in “Paradise”.

The present era is an age of conflicting attitudes towards religious beliefs and mundane pursuits. This paper discusses how this conflict in attitudes is aptly reflected in the works of two female authors namely, “Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse” written by Louise Erdrich and “Paradise” written by Toni Morrison. Both conclude that religion alone cannot lead to salvation, but both spiritual and mundane satisfaction can be found on this earth.
“The basic tenets of Christianity are the hope of redemption and resurrection both, which figure prominently in Louise Erdrich’s work. In Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse Erdrich tells the story of Father Damien who has been assigned the task of civilizing people of Little No Horse Reservation whose beliefs are rooted in paganism. Father Damien has been assigned the task of converting these people to Catholicism to save their soul. As time passes it is revealed that the strict rules of Catholicism do not mesh easily with the native spirituality. As a consequence, Father Damien begins to ponder whether his goal of conversion is the right thing.”