Over 3 million students

Over 3 million students, teachers, and other professionals all over the world Trust our free plagiarism checker. It is the biggest plagiarism detection platform which can upload many types of documents (PDF, doc, docx, txt and plain texts), check them for authenticity, and save and download reports with the results percentages. Our basic plagiarism checker is free to use, or use our PRO checker for even more features. Try it today!

STARTOver 3 million students, teachers, and other professionals all over the world Trust our free plagiarism checker. It is the biggest plagiarism detection platform which can upload many types of documents (PDF, doc, docx, txt and plain texts), check them for authenticity, and save and download reports with the results percentages. Our basic plagiarism checker is free to use, or use our PRO checker for even more features. Try it today!

STARTOver 3 million students, teachers, and other professionals all over the world Trust our free plagiarism checker. It is the biggest plagiarism detection platform which can upload many types of documents (PDF, doc, docx, txt and plain texts), check them for authenticity, and save and download reports with the results percentages. Our basic plagiarism checker is free to use, or use our PRO checker for even more features. Try it today!

STARTOver 3 million students, teachers, and other professionals all over the world Trust our free plagiarism checker. It is the biggest plagiarism detection platform which can upload many types of documents (PDF, doc, docx, txt and plain texts), check them for authenticity, and save and download reports with the results percentages. Our basic plagiarism checker is free to use, or use our PRO checker for even more features. Try it today!