Outsourcing in the Global Workplace

An analysis of outsourcing and human capital in the global workplace.

An overview of the social, cultural, and political factors that have influenced positive and negative perspectives regarding outsourcing. The paper shows the human cost of sending a person’s job overseas in order to save a few bucks.

Globalization and Multi-National Corporations
Outsourcing Markets
Advances in computer technology over the course of the past few decades have enabled many new conceptual approaches to organizational efficiency. Growth in the field of Information Technologies, (IT) has contributed greatly to conceptualizing new organizational models through assessment of statistical data collections regarding both highly successful and ineffective organizations. It is important also to note that IT has allowed for the collection and distribution of organizational data and information on a global scale. Cross cultural comparisons reveal various levels of humanist quality and have undoubtedly influenced new conceptual approaches to organizational efficiency. Knowledge Management (KM) and Human Performance Improvement (HPI) reflect two conceptual approaches that illustrate humanistic emphasis.