A discussion of the role of Otto Von Bismarck in the reunification of Germany in 1871.
This paper discusses how the German unification of 1871 occupies a significant place in the history of this great European power and how Otto Von Bismarck, once the prime minister of Prussia, is responsible for single-handedly engineering this unification through clever strategies and creative tactics. It gives a biography of his life and political career and shows how although he was one of those leaders who led Germany to glory, at the same time displayed some cruel traits. He cannot be considered a perfect ruler as he believed immensely in the powers of aristocracy and monarchy and thus wanted to rule Germany with an iron hand.
“Whether we admire or despise this leader, one thing cannot change: he was the man solely responsible for first unification of Germany. Very few leaders have been able to attach such glorious victories and achievements to their name. He almost single-handedly devised a clever plan to crush his enemies in two vital wars, which resulted in unification of Northern and Southern German states and turned Germany into a mighty force. Though Bismarck certainly led to the unification of Germany, he cannot be considered a perfect ruler as he believed immensely in the powers of aristocracy and monarchy and thus wanted to rule Germany with an iron hand.”