Orthognathic Surgery

An overview of this type of surgery, which aligns the patient’s jaw.

This paper discusses orthognathic surgery, a procedure used for patients that have jaws that do not meet properly. This often coincides with teeth that do not seem to fit correctly with their jaws. The paper shows that people who require orthognathic surgery often have incorrectly positioned jaws or an improper bite. Often, the upper and lower jaws grow at different rates, which can lead to problems that affect speech, chewing, and long-term oral health, as well as appearance.
Careful, meticulous analysis of the soft tissue using clinical examination, photographs, skeletal evaluation with standardized radiographs, and dental evaluations are required for the correction of maxillofacial deformities (Patel, 2001). The orthognathic surgeon must work closely with the orthodontist, dentist, and other professionals in the formulation of an effective treatment plan (Patel, 2001). Successful outcomes from orthongnathic surgery depend on several factors that are present prior to, during, and after the procedure (Patel, 2001).