Online Learning

This paper discusses online learning in the connotation of the most appropriate strategy considering the time, place, and history of the learning environment involved.

This paper explains that the best practices within the realm of computer-aided learning, web-based and online knowledge acquisition are generally based on the type of setting, the objectives of the course, the knowledge and skill level of the instructor, and the level of availability or access to technology. The author stresses that instruction may be based on the principles of self-directed study or on the premise of collaborative learning. The paper relates that the degree in which the Internet is utilized is a matter of teacher preference, the desires of the institution, and the goal of incorporating technology.

Table of Contents
On The Road to Online
Prerequisites to Online Learning
The Self Directed Approach to Learning
Community of Practice
Virtual Reality as the Future?
“The problem with best practices is that they focus on current strategies and fail to consider future growth and, or, ignore a wide range of possibilities. There is no “one way” to address best practices as they apply to online education (Jenson et al, 2002). The competencies needed for teaching online rather than in the traditional manner are, generally, the same; however, the skills that are employed are heightened. The first and most important of the competencies is that of communication. This includes the ability to use the current technology as well as being adept at teaching the use of technology.”