Obesity in Elementary School Children

This paper discusses that the problem of obesity in elementary school children is beginning to be examined from a more holistic viewpoint, rather than placing blame on the vending machine or home computer how 2 write an essay about myself.

This paper explores the connection between the elimination of physical education in many schools and the part played by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which has responsibility for the national school lunch program. The author also points out that society has changed; children no longer walk to school or play at recess, and competitive team sports have left a lot of children behind. The paper cites that the food companies, having stepped in to bail out some school athletic programs that focus on competitive team sports, also have encouraged snacking on less nutritious, obesity-causing foods.

Table of Contents
Thumbs Down on PE
Feeding for Fat
Literature Review
“A panel discussion reported in the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics contained information relevant to both nutrition and exercise vis a vis childhood obesity. One speaker noted that in 2001, Texas, an advertisement urged the return by law of PE to its school curricula. Another speaker noted a program called “Girls on the Run,” which involved students in non-competitive games as a way to increase physical activity. And still another noted the connection between makers of non-nutritional foods and school sports; the manufacturers often contribute heavily to schools? coffers, with the money used for competitive team sports in which very few students participate. It recommended at least making fruits and other healthy choices available.”