
This paper examines two nursing qualifications.

This paper compares and contrasts two nursing qualifications – The Associate Degree of Nursing (ADN) and The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The pros and cons of each are discussed and the author concludes that firm devotion, sound knowledge, considerable experience and good performance can open doors for further career advancements for every nursing professional regardless of his/her qualifications. However, the majority of the key positions are available to individuals with stronger academic background (i.e. Bachelors or advanced degree holders), as academic knowledge is equally important in professions like healthcare.
“Nursing is a very dynamic profession. An individual interested in pursuing a career in nursing should possess high-level intelligence, sound technological knowledge, a sympathetic heart and high level of expertise. In addition to this, an individual should be strong enough mentally as well as emotionally so that he/she can effectively deal with human suffering and other forms of stresses exposed to him/her during the job. It is a profession for only those who want to truly dedicate their life for serving the suffering mankind. Job satisfaction in this profession is primarily derived from the feeling of satisfaction that an individual experiences by helping out others and not from the money or other benefits.”