Nurse leaders by definition do more than organize

Nurse leaders by definition do more than organize, direct, delegate and have a vision; they use interpersonal skills to help others achieve their highest potential. Leadership involves influencing the attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and feelings of other people. This results in a feeling of being genuinely valued and respected (Pullen, 2016). In order to get a better understanding of this definition, BL an Operations and Clinical Manager (Director) of an assisted living facility was solicited to help. During her 45 minute skype interview she answered a series of questions and started by discussing how she became a nurse leader.
Her journey began in 2007 when she earned her Associate Degree. She obtained several nursing positions (medical surgical, home health) and became very proficient at her job. It was during this period that her exceptional work was rewarded and a physician passed her name to Human Resources for a charge nurse position.