My personal Learning style will be a visual learner

My personal Learning style will be a visual learner. A visual Learner learns best by seeing the information that is given to them, in a lot of cases visual learners learn by using images, graphs, charts, presentations, and maps to organize and communicate their information more efficiently to others. This has been with me my entire life because I say it’s the best way for me how to learn things in a faster pace than just listening to things,when I listen to things I tend to forget things fast but for some reason when I actually see what is being done it is memorized in my head. Some strategies that I will recommend for this learning style are using a layout always layout your information that you are gathering, use different colors on things such as graphs and charts so you know which information is which, also always stay organize organization is the main key for a visual person well for me it is maybe not to others but, I will still say stay organize because that’s an essential key when you actually go to your information and you know where is it and when you look at it everything is in order. An example that will help a visual learner will always be to read books and watch a lot of videos, when I was in high school for me to learn math I had to actually ask my professor for a copy of the book and I will read it all night and I will also look at videos to help me more , as a visual learner everything helps even the smallest things you see.
I will utilize my learning style for studying when I have a final exam, a paper, or even a project that has to be done I will make sure to always see the information that is given in class so I would be able to gather that information so it could help me on anything that I will need help on such as exams, finals, papers, and presentations.