Music and Art of the Late Gothic-Renaissance Period

This paper examines the changes that occurred in society and the Church because of, or as a reflection of, changes in music and art during the transitional period between late Gothic and Renaissance Period.

The purpose of this research is to examine the changes that occurred in society and the Church because of (or as a reflection of) changes in music and art during the transitional period between late Gothic and Renaissance.

Early Renaissance art was the natural outgrowth of the new humanism which was replacing medieval thought. The world changed a great deal in the period between the ousting of the medieval ways and the upsurge of humanism and the ways of the Renaissance. As E. H. Gombrich writes in his The Story of Art, in the middle of the twelfth century, when the Gothic style was first developed, Europe was still mainly a thinly populated continent of peasants with monasteries and barons’ castles as the important centers of power and education.

The ambition of the Great Bishops’ Sees to have immense …