Mind and Body

This paper discusses the development of the concept of mind and body in primitive people and its t effect on the culture of the people.

The dualism of the mind and the body is one which has plagued philosophers and social scientists for centuries. It is a seeming paradox which is the result of the evolutionary process. Man is made distinct from other animals by the possession of a mind which is capable of reason rather than mere instinct. It is a mind which has delved into the curiosities of existence and after life; which has created complex institutions of government and economics. And yet it reverts back to the primordial instincts of the animal; passions and emotions which dull the forces of reasoning. The mind cannot ignore the existence of a material body. It must try, though, to attain a harmony between the two, rather than a continual warfare. For they are integral, and mutually dependent, and interactive upon one another. This cannot be denied. This paper will attempt to …