Media, Students, and the Sixties

Examines how the media impacted the ideas of students in the 1960s.

The decade of the 1960s was full of political, cultural, and social events that made a major psychological impact on the students of America. This paper discusses the four major events of this decade: the Civil Rights Act of 1960, the presence of the United States in Vietnam, the assassination of President Kennedy, and the landing on the moon. The paper focuses on how and why elementary and high school students became aware of these events and how they they were affected by these happenings. The paper also explores how these events impacted the task of teaching to overcome the challenges of race, ethnicity, economic, class, and gender as elements of social and economic inequity.
“Based upon these historical events, what might educators do today to address student’s questions in the school setting concerning issues of social, racial, ethnicity and economically diversity? Professional development opportunities should become the first priority for schools when searching for ways to implement programs concerning diversity issues. Training provides educators with knowledge and understanding to better teach their students about living and working with people who might have different backgrounds, health issues, or even educational disabilities.”