Matter vs. Antimatter

An explanation of the concepts within the context of physics.

This paper is all about “matter” and “antimatter.” Various aspects of the topic of antimatter are explored such as a detailed explanation of its concept, the history of its discovery and subsequent developments. The paper also includes a discussion of the relevant theories of physics that are related to the subject and help us to understand the concept of antimatter.
“Man has for ages called everything that exists on earth as “matter.” As his knowledge increased over the years, scientists discovered that matter is made of tiny particles called atoms. These atoms, in turn were discovered to have a nucleus at the center, surrounded by a cloud of electrical charges called “electrons.” Still later, it was discovered that the nuclei contain still smaller particles named protons and neutrons. Latest research shows that even the tiny protons and neutrons consist of even smaller “fundamental particles” called quarks. Quarks are believed (so far!) to be indivisible. This knowledge about “matter” is relatively common. What is less commonly known is the scientific discovery that all matter or particles have partners or “mirror image” having most properties similar to their corresponding matter but with an opposite charge (and other electro-magnetic properties). For want of a better name, scientists called their new discovery “antimatter.” ”