Marriage and Infidelity

This paper discusses issues of marriage and infidelity: Pervasiveness, history, causes, male-female differences, non-sexual and social aspects and future.

Marriage and infidelity have gone hand in hand since probably the beginning of marriage as an institution. Its origins are elusive, yet at least one author blames Aristotle for at least part of the problem of infidelity, if it even is a problem. According to Suzanne Br(gger, Aristotle was the first to promulgate the principles of Western logic–the identity axiom, for example, which implies that we can love only one person at a time . . . ..

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This gets us into the reasons for infidelity. Br(gger’s opinion is that infidelity got its start because of the prevailing philosophy that true love can handle only one person at a time. Having more than one lover indicates that one is really not in love with anyone. Br(gger disputes this saying …