Marketing and Branding

An analysis of the effect of marketing and branding on consumer behavior.

This is a dissertation paper that studies and explores theories and information on how consumer behavior responds to brand extension. This paper uses different company products, along with the brand’s product extensions, as examples for the basis of its analysis on how consumer behavior is affected by extension brands. This paper aims to provide the readers with adequate information on the following objectives of this research: an exploration of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and risks of brand extension by reviewing relevant theories; an exploration of consumer behavior; a look at the impact of brand extension on consumer behavior by collecting relevant data; and, finally, an analysis of the relationship between consumer behavior and brand extension.
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A business in the line of women’s fashion has been among the largest and crowded industry in the market nowadays. Competition among firms has been stiff, competing with one another on the basis of their ability to influence trends and fashion, as well as in their ability to quickly adjust, manage, and survive in a trend that the fashion market imposes (Guercini 2001, p.69). One strategy that manufacturing industry and businesses in the line of women’s fashion generally considers during a need for incremental financial growth is the employment of new brands, or what we call brand extension. An example of which is Monsoon, a company that started off in clothing fashion and had extended its line to accessory products. In 1984, Monsoon started a new company called Accessorize, which now has more than 110 store outlets in the UK, and more than 100 stores in different countries worldwide (Monsoon, Accessorize is now one of the major companies in fashion accessory.